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Caution is the ship building intercom system working slowly

Time: 2014-12-29 Click:

Intercom System Classification
Industry sources believe that the development of the course is quite familiar with intercom system, so this article prior to its current situation and to explore new technology, only slightly simple statement and finishing.
· 1993-1995 is the building intercom industry, "infancy", such as Shidean, housing Po (300,155, stock it), Huirui, Li Lin, Zhenwei fliers after 1993 years ago, the currently occupy the domestic building intercom market share of about 70%;
· With the progress of the real estate market continues to heat up and the building intercom technology, unit type building intercom and video intercom users gradually showing rapid growth, from 1997 to 1998 the building intercom into the second period of rapid development, especially those with video intercom networking products, at this stage of development is very rapid, on behalf of manufacturers have Tagawa Zhuhai, Zhuhai, etc. into the frame;
· 2000-2005, building intercom market "blowout" growth, many large companies have set foot in the building intercom industry, such as Haier, TCL, Aucma (600,336, stock it), the Gulf and the like.
Through the development of the three time periods, and also spawned the upgrading of products, making China building intercom products from non-visual intercom, black and white video intercom, color video intercom intelligent terminal development to the home (or can be digitized depending on the intercom). Throughout the history of the building intercom system, you can see "step by step" in his possession reflected most vividly. Only speak from the early, lock function, and slowly developed into video intercom, access control lock, security alarm, messaging, video surveillance, elevator call, multimedia and other functions with one, step by step, slowly enough to see a small fire to stew boil out "a good famous."
Intercom System Classification
Building intercom system to protect residential security as the last barrier, had been hailed as the home life of the "patron saint." Before understanding intercom system technology development, the author and the reader to explore classification intercom system.
Classification by networking
Determines the type of system networking. From the network point of view, including the bus network, semi-digital networked using TCP / IP protocol pure digital networked, and nearly two years of emerging wireless intercom system. Fujian crown Lin Electronics Co., Product Engineering Manager Zhangzhan Lin was carried out by one analysis.
· Bus network is the use of fieldbus technology (such as RS-485, CAN bus), these products are analog, its use bus technology for networking within the district unit of the decentralized subsystems, unified management, so as to constitute a relatively large area networking systems. According to Smart, Ltd. Nanjing Pu Ji Louyu daily intelligence division deputy general manager of Guan Yu Jin introduction: "bus network requires the use of" hand in hand "bus networking, it will be a distribution of residential buildings in accordance with the regional division will be divided into one cell multiple smaller partitions; between each partition inside buildings unit (usually including networking interfaces intercom door machine) or intercom device (codec equipment, etc.) within the cell are "hand in hand" bus connected; each partition to be used between the management center of traditional cable or twisted pair cable to connect through the benefits of this sub-regional transfers are: First, after the cell into multiple partitions, each partition of the failure will not affect other partitions; Second, it could be divided into partitions based on the actual situation, to facilitate construction. However, a drawback is that the analog signal transmission network signal interference problems, especially in the case of long-distance transmission, the transmission of audio and video quality assurance and control signals is a more difficult solve the problem. "It is reported that, in order to deal with such situations, many manufacturers or engineering companies in the pre-construction projects have professional technical support staff intervention, consider how to divide the region, how to network design and so on. To solve the problem of long-distance transmission reliability, and some manufacturers have adopted a differential video transmission, Optical transmission and other technologies to ensure networked audio and video have better results.
· Pure digital networking and signal transmission equipment refers to residential units are used both inside and outside the network of digital devices and standard TCP / IP transport protocols, such products as whole numbers, including inside buildings and outdoor networking equipment unit. Similarly, Nanjing Pu Ji Guan Yu Jin daily stressed: "such products and networking with strong anti-jamming capability, networking is also more convenient, and easy system expansion, through digital and network transmission technology, to build the entire district Intercom (also including security and other value-added features) Ethernet LAN signal transmission, the TCP / IP mode of pure digital intercom systems with applications to facilitate networking and flexible features, but the whole system is relatively high upfront investment. "
· Semi-digital network, namely between analog and digital systems and networking between area networking using digital and TCP / IP, and equipment within the unit, compared with analog type, and transmission using bus mode. Semi-digital system is the traditional mature bus technology and advanced TCP / IP technology, can do weaknesses for networked distance, the larger general community residential project, can ensure long-distance transmission problems, and cost savings;
· Wireless intercom system because no wiring, with debug and functional characteristics are relatively simple, commonly used for single-family and non-networked households villa.
Intercom systems can be divided according to size of single-family, unit type, building type three. According to Xiamen Li Lin Technology Co. Chief Engineer Tang Guangyao introduction: "Domestic and buildings mainly in haplotype-based, focusing mainly because the application area networking in the community, or building type to cell type can be better unified management; foreign construction of single-family villas mainly based. this is mainly due to the single-family intercom system applications more widely, system construction requirements as simple as possible. At present, two-wire intercom system Villa mainstream, namely a host to an extension using two-wire connection, when visitors come, guests enter the number you want to call the door, ringing indoor extension is issued, (when night host luminous key for lighting) after speaking with the guests headed to mention the machine, through the extension of the unlock button on the remote interior electric lock to open the door, when the guests enter the door, closed the door allows automatic shutdown. "
Section 2: TCP / IP digital intercom will become the mainstream
Except in accordance with the scale and networking systems, intercom systems can also follow other bases into several types. There are other major classification.
Functional distinction. Can be divided into visual / non-visual, deputy general manager of Shenzhen dimensional intelligent Co. He Yunfei, said: "With the rapid development in recent years, the growing economy and the real estate industry, the traditional non-visual gradually withdraw from the market, in the current market-based video intercom. "in addition, the function can be divided into black and white / color, with access control / without access, there is a single type of function, but also the police, information dissemination, and other multi-function integrated applications every household types;
Application point and functional partitioning. Crown Forest in Fujian Electronics Co., Ltd. Product Engineering Manager Zhangzhan Lin said: "From the application point of view, intercom systems can be divided into single-family, villa-type, low-level systems, high-level systems, large community networking systems.
Intercom system stable and new
Intercom system development can be said steady pace, and yet the trend. With changes in the economy and living standards, intercom systems have gradually joined in the development of many new highlights and new technologies. Which intelligent terminals, TCP / IP and analog-digital hybrid networking become a major highlight of the industry.
Intelligent Terminal
Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Xiamen Di Planning Manager Nike Zhuoguang Ling said: "The building intercom and intelligent home, both of which seem to be an isolated unit, but the two were with the development of technology integration and crossover can be. depending on the intercom to digital smart home gradually become inevitable. "It is reported that most manufacturers are offering in-one set of intelligent interactive smart power, security, smart home, community service, community intercom, multimedia, and other regular tasks terminal, not only technically been advancing closer in function has also been very good expansion.
Talked about the benefits of smart home, crown forest  ZhanLin Zhang said: "The digital smart home system is highly scalable in system capacity, stability and its role in community management plays a traditional intercom products can not match in addition, digital smart home system can also provide more diversified and more user-friendly features, and bring more added value, such as digital intercom intercom can not be achieved in conventional appliances intelligent control, remote monitoring multimedia entertainment, web surfing, etc., can also be achieved advertising services, community shopping, online VOD video on demand and other value-added applications. "
Di Nike launched in 2012 as 700 digital smart home system, which is more prominent feature is the perfect Internet phone and community service. Internet telephony refers to the different communities in the Ethernet terminal based on network video calls can be carried out, which is equivalent to two video telephones, becoming a low-cost means of communication; community services is in line with the increase in age of Things the function to facilitate the user's daily life, but also help the integration of urban development, and promote the construction of smart city.
The new generation of Fujian Guanlin mobile Internet smart home management system, based on IPAD, IPHONE and smart phones and other mobile devices, the system was developed specifically for its operating software platform, in addition to traditional smart terminal, the user can use the phone anytime, anywhere , IPAD and other electrical equipment for the home of intelligent control, but also for remote video calls as well as security monitoring, alarm settings, and so on.
In addition, Bosch has launched BSH9000 (Bosch Smart Home 9000) series of smart home products. IP-based networks, while incorporating the intelligent home, security, remote control, and property management services and other functions. Not only have the elegant and stylish designs to suit a variety of home styles, and does not depend on district servers, when a server fails, the system can run offline, it is a wireless smart home control, easy to install, simple to operate, function and appearance both.
TCP / IP digital intercom will become the mainstream
Industry sources have learned that due to the cost of production and technology, currently used in building intercom system bus architecture is still the mainstream market. But Li Lin Tang Guangyao said: "Since the analog signal during transmission vulnerable to outside interference, poor immunity, especially long-distance signal transmission is prone to deformity, and each intercom manufacturers are based on the characteristics of their products construct different bus intercom system, so that the interface standards are not uniform, to the construction of some difficulty. "
Digital system for the subsequent development of the half, the crown forest ZhanLin Zhang  this description: "The semi-digital intercom system is a transitional product between the analog and digital systems, solves the problem of long-distance transmission, but the building is still used bus structure , using analog devices, so the defect simulation system still can not avoid. "
Speaking of digital technology, the crown forest ZhanLin Zhang stressed: "The use of digital technology to provide standardized protocols and open interfaces, easier integration with other manufacturers products, and other systems interoperability, more conducive to product upgrades and maintenance. "on the other hand, the digital building intercom system utilizes residential LAN, audio and video signal transmission based on TCP / IP transport protocols, breaking the analog bus intercom system exists in all aspects of capacity, transmission distance, number of channels, the system construction, etc. limitations, is gradually becoming the mainstream market. Li Lin Guangyao Tang  introduction: "At present the majority of digital intercom systems use H.264 video codec algorithm greatly reduces network bandwidth transmission requirements for real-time transmission of audio and video signals, especially in network architecture, and can be used. community LAN ready, avoid secondary wiring system construction. At the same time due to the use of the standard TCP / IP transport protocols, other IT products into the system is very easy. "It is reported that Li Lin introduced digital L8 intelligent building intercom system has capacity, with single-family delete, Flash chip erase and other new functions; and the use of cable transmission, a single data line communication, reduce cable materials, reduce costs, but also energy saving; and the use of anti-collision detection communication mechanism, with short circuit automatic detection and disconnection detection, self-protection and other advantages.
Page 3: overcoming bottlenecks optimistic about the future of the building intercom
However, despite the advantages of networked digital frequency display, but there are still many digital networking needs bottleneck. Li Lin Guangyao Tang description: "With the development of digital building intercom system, all manufacturers are used in the interface standard Ethernet interface, but still not unified transport protocol, it is difficult to achieve compatibility between the product and therefore the subsequent development. should be unified in the existing physical layer interface, based on the relevant departments should develop uniform standards for the application layer protocols, thus promoting compatible with standardized products. "
Nevertheless, Nike guangLing Zhuo Di said: "With the increase in CPU processing speed, network bandwidth increases, improving audio and video codec technology, digital building intercom system will gradually be replaced by traditional analog intercom systems . "
Intercom system to fight details
Nanjing Pu Ji Guan Yu Jin every day, said: "The current market for select video intercom products, not only focusing on the performance aspects of the product; in addition to product design, craftsmanship, style, design, user-friendly operation, etc., is increasingly becoming the market Select video intercom products is an important standard, "crown forest  ZhanLin Zhang  also agreed:." now intercom functionality of the product has been basically mature and stable, it is more competition between the major manufacturers in the details. "
Indeed, the function intercom system after years of development, the basic maturity and stability, since technically not much different from all manufacturers, competition naturally beautiful. It is reported that the introduction of E91 as crown forest indoor unit, in addition to the panel of high quality acrylic material, through multi-channel silk finishing treatment, not only to create a panel of pure crystal texture, but also enhance the quality of the machine, even when the user rarely watch to the back part, also uses a very sophisticated curved design. In addition, the launch of a new generation of universal stairs machine, in addition to the appearance of materials and processes, but also designed a unique double tamper structure, and with a special opener, but the key as the most easy to wear accessories, specially chosen works PC plastic buttons, internal circuit using car keys micro switch with level design, so the keys are very flexible to use and feel comfortable, but also to overcome the shortcomings of traditional keys Diaoqi fade easily, able to maintain long-term use is not easy to wear.
In addition, Nanjing Pu every discipline against the state Department of Housing and proposed to promote the fitness room, under the housing affordable housing requirements of the premise, the development of TG3000 system, video intercom system, with "simple, reliable, easy construction commissioning" as a precondition for popular analog intercom system function, and on this basis, to meet the market demand, but also introduced a variety of screen sizes, sleek, well-designed indoor products.
Overcome bottlenecks promising future
Overall, the building intercom technology into the country since, under the ongoing efforts to improve the level of technology and industry, the future prospects are also bright. Speaking of possible new directions for the future, Bosch Security Systems burglar alarm and video intercom Song product manager, said the next major intercom system to change the three main aspects. Follows.
· Network. IP networks will become the main way networked systems, audio and video signals through digital compression and codecs for transmission over an IP network;
· Intelligent. Intercom system will integrate more intelligent home function, to achieve the lights, temperature, appliances and remote control, bring more convenience and safety for the owners of life;
· Humane. Easy installation, simple operation. Owners can use a variety of terminal equipment, just a simple operation on the touch screen, you can achieve the home control devices.
Although Intercom can be described by leaps and bounds compared to the early years. But it also has been criticized by several intercom system more headaches.
· Stability. Di Nike Zhuoguang Ling said: "The building intercom never got better stability has been improved, is a major bottleneck in the industry, many companies have been building intercom system for stability and work." For example Di Nike currently proposed using communication technology to do the building intercom system, the use of "telephone" thinking change "is not commonly used building intercom and easily broken," the drawbacks, to a great extent to ensure the stability of the system;
· Standardization. In addition, the building is the development of industry standardization intercom had not been a bottleneck for this industry, some more powerful manufacturers are beginning with the relevant departments to jointly develop industry standards, as Di Nike Zhuoguang Ling said: "Currently Di Nike, Li Lin, Shidean other companies working with the relevant departments to jointly develop building intercom industry standards, I believe that in the near future, building intercom back gradually standardized and standardized. "
• System Maintenance. Nanjing Pu Ji Guan Yu Jin every day, said: "Some non-standard construction, the intermediate device is placed directly in the weak wells, indoor equipment interior decoration during the long period of dusty occasions, etc., cause the device to be some failures, especially in networking part, due to a failure on one node of the bus network will often cause the entire bus network problem, affecting many households use. Therefore, some well-known brand manufacturers attach great importance to stable networked systems, while maintaining the stability of networked systems a variety of measures, lightning design networking part is a technical problem we have to face. "
The author believes that there is a bottleneck to represent the space forward. If any system reached a saturation point, then it represents the end. Intercom system from the market demand, it will never reach a satisfactory state; and from technical and functional development of the product, although mature but still challenging. This intercom enterprises, it is good news, while maintaining the strength of the long, painstaking research more in line with market demand and try to break through the intercom system bottlenecks, certainly optimistic about the prospects.



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